Moving toward a healthy marketplace for clients,
CUMAC is distributing far more produce, lean proteins,
and whole grain products than ever before,
as well as conducting food demonstrations
and nutrition education in their pantry
when handing out monthly food to clients.
These programs have been very well received by all.
Current Special Needs:
Protein items (Tuna, Chicken, Beans)
Peanut Butter & Jelly
Cereal (whole grain, low sugar)
The following is a list of regular food needs
for CUMAC's pantry (no glass jars please):
Canned vegetables (low sugar, low sodium)
Canned fruits (low sugar, low sodium)
Canned soups with protein (low-sodium)
Rice (white/brown)
Beans (canned, dry)
Condensed and evaporated milk (shelf-stable, powdered)
Baby food and formula
Raisins, other dried fruit
Coffee, tea, cocoa
Protein supplement drinks (i.e. Ensure)
Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.”